

来源: 作者:发稿时间:2017-12-05 09:00浏览次数:

应中国地质大学(武汉)资源学院沈传波教授邀请,意大利帕多瓦大学Massimiliano Zattin教授将于1209日至1214日访问我。期间,Massimiliano Zattin教授将开设研究生公选课程G000009 Thermochronology(热年代学)。该课程对地质学、矿产普查与勘探、地球化学、矿物学岩石学矿床学、地质工程、石油与天然气工程等专业的学生开放,开课时间为2017年12月11日-12月13日,每日8:30 - 11:30,14:00 – 16:30地点:11日上午教一楼307,11日下午教一楼507,12日教一楼206,13日教二楼403。该课程共提供2个通选课学分。欢迎对热年代学研究有兴趣的各专业学生选课或前来旁听!选课时间为12月6日00:01-13日23:59

Massimiliano Zattin教授1999获意大利博洛尼亚大学(University of Bologna)博士学位,2015年起担任意大利帕多瓦大学(University of Padova)全职教授,是IGCP543“国际热年代学对比计划”的主席Massimiliano Zattin教授主要从事热年代学相关的理论技术和实践应用方面的科研和教学工作,具体包括热年代学新技术的探索、热年代学仪器设备的研发、热年代学在造山带及沉积盆地演化方面的应用等。在Earth Science Reviews, Geology, EPSL, GSA Bulletin, Chemical Geology, Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface 地质学领域国际著名期刊上发表相关学术论文60余篇。














Thermochronology course

Over the past two decades, low-temperature thermochronology has become a reliable and widely used technique for constraining a diverse range of geologic and tectonic processes. Earth scientists with a variety of specialties including structural geology, tectonics, petrology, and tectonic geomorphology are increasingly looking to incorporate low-temperature thermochronology data into their research. Despite the rising popularity and use of thermochronology, there are few avenues open to those outside of the thermochronologic community to learn the fundamentals of the technique. This short course is intended to bridge that gap, and provide a comprehensive introduction to the use and theory thermochronology.

This course is designed to introduce students and faculty to (U-Th)/He and fission-track thermochronology and provide them with the background, resources, and tools necessary to use, interpret, and understand data. It will focus on the most common applications (using apatite and zircon), but will also introduce some of the emerging and novel thermochronologic techniques and applications.


Day 1

Basic concepts about thermochronology (1 h)

Fission-track thermochronology: track formation, track length and annealing behavior, effects of composition, thermal modelling (4 h)

Day 2

U-Th/He thermochronology: basics of noble-gas geochronology, diffusion mechanisms, radiation damage, analytical techniques (2 h)

New techniques and applications (1 h)

Thermal modelling: practice on experimental data on HeFTy software (3 h)

Day 3

Sample processing (1 h)

Case-history 1 (2 h)

Case-history 2 (2 h)

Discussion and Question session (1 h)

Suggested reading:

1Low-temperature thermochronology: techniques, interpretations and applications. Edited by Reiners P.W. and Ehlers T.A., Mineralogical Society of America, Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, vol. 58, 2005.

2The software HeFTy can be downloaded at the site: ftp://ftp.ctlab.geo.utexas.edu/Ketcham/ft/HeFTy/