(通讯员 许峰) 近日,我校材料与化学学院芦露华教授团队在“可见光光催化产氢”领域取得新的进展,相关成果发表在催化领域国际权威期刊《Applied Catalysis B: Environmental》 (应用催化B,T1类,2016年IF=9.446)上,题为“Boosting visible light photocatalytic hydrogen evolution of graphitic carbon nitride via enhancing it interfacial redox activity with cobalt/nitrogen doped tubular graphitic carbon”(以钴/氮共掺杂石墨相碳纳米管增强石墨相碳氮化合物界面氧化还原活性的途径提高其可见光催化产氢)。
论文作者首次将碳基电催化析氢材料作为光催化析氢材料的助催化剂(Co-catalyst),通过极少量的添加,提高石墨相碳氮化合物(Graphitic carbon nitride)的界面氧化还原活性,促进光激发电子/空穴在材料界面的消耗,从而大幅提高非金属半导体石墨相碳氮化合物的可见光光催化产氢活性,为光催化材料的界面特性研究和结构设计,提供了新的思路。

图1. (A) TEM image for Co-NG-800-A, scale bar 200 nm, (B) HR-TEM image for Co-NG-800-A, scale bar 5 nm, (C) HAADF-STEM image and elemental mappings of (D) Carbon, (E) Nitrogen and (F) cobalt for Co-NG-800-A, scale bar 200 nm; (G) Fourier transformed k3-weighted EXAFS spectra in R space of Co-NG-800-A.

图2. (A) TEM image of g-C3N4, scale bar 200 nm, (B) HAADF-STEM image and elemental mappings of (C) Carbon, (D) Nitrogen and (E) cobalt for Co-NG/g-C3N4, scale bar 200 nm. (F) comparison of PHE rate under 420 nm monochromatic light irradiation (achieved via 420 nm band pass filter) for catalysts loaded with 3% Pt (G) LSV curves of a cathodic scan from 0 to −2.3 V (vs Ag/AgCl) in TEOA solution, (H) LSV curves of an anodic scan from 0 to 1.8 V (vs Ag/AgCl) in TEOA solution for Co-NG/g-C3N4 and g-C3N4 samples.
Title: Boosting visible light photocatalytic hydrogen evolution of graphitic carbon nitride via enhancing it interfacial redox activity with cobalt/nitrogen doped tubular graphitic carbon
Authors: Yanjie Si, Yijie Zhang, Luhua Lu, Si Zhang, Ying Chen, Jinghai Liu, Hongyun Jin, Shuen Hou, Kai Dai, Weiguo Song
Source : Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,Volume 225, June 2018, Pages 512-518